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About This Month's Authors
Larry Ayers
Larry lives on a small farm
in northern Missouri, where he is currently engaged in building a
timber-frame house for his family. He operates a portable band-saw mill,
does general woodworking, plays the fiddle and searches for rare
prairie plants, as well as growing shiitake mushrooms. He is also
struggling with configuring a Usenet news server for his local ISP.
André D. Balsa
André lives in France, 80 miles south of Lyon. He currently runs
a small Internet consulting business. When not busy exploring Linux
performance issues, Andrew likes to spend his time with his 1-year old
daughter, or else try different French recipes on his friends.
He also helped set up the Linux Benchmarking Project pages at
and a web site at
about the use of Cyrix 6x86 processors with Linux,
which has had more than 9,000 visitors in less than two months uptime.
Gerd Bavendiek
Gerd has worked as a software engineer with various flavors of Unix since 1988.
1994 he realized that using Linux could make his every-day work more
Since that time he has used Linux and various GNU-software. He lives in Essen,
In my spare time I build model-steam engines using real hardware: lathe,
milling-machine and a lot of hand tools.
Erik Campo
Erik is a Computer Science graduate from UQAM (Universite du
Quebec A Montreal) since June 1997. He has been working as a network
programmer (C, C++, Java), teaching assistant and as a systems
administrator in the Teleinformatique laboratory of UQAM for a year and
a half. He is now working at UQAM's Registrar's Office as a Webmaster and
as system administrator for the Teleinformatique laboratory. Erik is a
Unix/Linux specialist, having installed and managed several flavours of
Unix as Coherent, Minix, Linux and Solaris. He likes to write articles
about Linux, listens to Heavy Metal music, plays both spanish and electric
guitar and is a fanatic of the Spanish Civil War, history of General
Franco and the political transition period in Spain from 1975 to 1978. For
more information, please consult his web page at: http://campo.ti.ml.org/.
Jim Dennis
is the proprietor of
Starshine Technical Services.
His professional experience includes work in the technical
support, quality assurance, and information services (MIS)
departments of software companies like
Peter Norton Group, and
McAfee Associates -- as well as
positions (field service rep) with smaller VAR's.
He's been using Linux since version 0.99p10 and is an active
participant on an ever-changing list of mailing lists and
newsgroups. He's just started collaborating on the 2nd Edition
for a book on Unix systems administration.
Jim is an avid science fiction fan -- and was
married at the World Science Fiction Convention in Anaheim.
Joel Jaeggli
Joel is a programer consultant with the University of Oregon
Computing Center. Fomerly he worked for the Network Startup Resource
Center http://www.nsrc.org, helping ngos in emerging nation connect to the
internet, and of course discover the joy of free Unixes.
Dave Nelson
Dave is a manager who mostly deals with computing as an
abstraction. He used to do computational science research, and
Linux helps him stay in touch with reality.
Mark Nielsen
Mark works at the Health Sciences Library at The Ohio State
as a systems specialist. One day he hopes to replace NT computers
with Linux and KDE.
James M. Rogers
James and Shahla Rogers own a farm in the back woods of Ohio and have 6
dogs and 3 cats. He has served 14 years in the Airforce and Army,
both enlisted and officer. His first computer was a TS-1000.
He gave up his C128 in 1991 for Linux. He is currently a UNIX and
C contract programmer for the University of Washington.
Ylian Saint-Hilaire
Ylian is a Computer Science graduate from UQAM (Universite du Quebec
A Montreal) since last summer and is now completing his master's degree
at the same university specializing in Network Computing. He is a web site
publishing and Internet specialist. He has been working with Internet and
computer applications development for the last seven years, both as part
of his formal education and as a personal passion. From 1981 to 1984 he lived
on a sailboat in the Caribbean with his family. In 1991 he was selected
by the Montreal Chamber of Commerce as one of the "Leaders of Tomorrow".
He is also a commercial pilot. His web address is
Michael E. Smith
Michael is the Acting Managing Director of LXNY - New York's
Free Computing Organization; editor of the Unigroup of New York
Newsletter (editor@unigroup.org); and enthusiastic advocate for
Unix-like systems. He is a philosopher who has made his living as a
computer consultant, presently as a Senior Associate of Charles River
Computers, Inc., doing Unix Systems Administration at J. P. Morgan.
Career highlights include authoring and deploying an original database
system in MUMPS-15 and doing SETL research under Jacob T. Schwartz.
Smith is a man of wide interests inside and outside of the computer
field, but lately of little time to pursue them.
Jamie Zawinski
is a card-carrying
Hater, who doesn't use Linux, but despite that, has authored an
awful lot of software that runs on Linux, including
Lucid Emacs,
and the initial Unix versions of
Netscape Navigator, and the
Netscape Mail and News readers.
Not Linux
Thanks to all our authors, not just the ones above, but also those who wrote
giving us their tips and tricks and making suggestions. Thanks also to our
new mirror sites.
Margie and I had a great Christmas break in Houston, Texas, where much of
her family lives. Besides visiting with family and numerous friends we got
to tour the Cockrell butterfly habitat, which was very pretty. Mostly sunny
days and highs in the 60s made it tough to return to the middle of a
Seattle winter, but we managed.
Have fun!
Riley P. Richardson
Editor, Linux Gazette gazette@ssc.com
Linux Gazette Issue 24, January 1998, http://www.linuxgazette.com/
This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,