r25317 | translators | 2013-06-03 19:45:13 +0200 (Mon, 03 Jun 2013) | 4 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
finnish - 1 changes by jpx_
galician - 106 changes by Michi

r25316 | translators | 2013-06-02 19:45:15 +0200 (Sun, 02 Jun 2013) | 5 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
lithuanian - 34 changes by RunisLabs
macedonian - 1 changes by Ristovski
norwegian_bokmal - 26 changes by cuthbert

r25315 | translators | 2013-06-01 19:45:29 +0200 (Sat, 01 Jun 2013) | 7 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
catalan - 33 changes by arnau
croatian - 4 changes by VoyagerOne
indonesian - 8 changes by Yoursnotmine
vietnamese - 19 changes by myquartz, nglekhoi
welsh - 5 changes by kazzie

r25314 | frosch | 2013-06-01 17:10:32 +0200 (Sat, 01 Jun 2013) | 2 lines

-Fix (r25313): If '0' is the broadest digit, 0 * sum(10^i, i=0..(n-1)) is not the broadest n-digit number.
-Fix [FS#5562]: Proper size-estimation for numbers with n digits.
r25313 | frosch | 2013-06-01 16:33:48 +0200 (Sat, 01 Jun 2013) | 1 line

-Fix: Do not assume '8' to be the broadest digit, but test all of them.
r25312 | rubidium | 2013-06-01 09:44:53 +0200 (Sat, 01 Jun 2013) | 2 lines

-Fix-ish: missing spaces after comma + realignment of tables; quite boring with -x -w

r25311 | rubidium | 2013-05-31 22:57:19 +0200 (Fri, 31 May 2013) | 2 lines

-Merge: documentation updates from 1.3

r25307 | frosch | 2013-05-31 20:47:49 +0200 (Fri, 31 May 2013) | 1 line

-Fix: Do not focus the editbox in the NewGRF window, if there is no editbox visible.
r25306 | translators | 2013-05-30 19:45:17 +0200 (Thu, 30 May 2013) | 4 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
czech - 38 changes by LucikMucik
romanian - 22 changes by mariush

r25305 | zuu | 2013-05-29 21:31:58 +0200 (Wed, 29 May 2013) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#5561]: Game Script APIs that execute a DoCommand were returning the same result as in TestMode during world generation
r25304 | frosch | 2013-05-29 20:49:58 +0200 (Wed, 29 May 2013) | 1 line

-Change: Move the GS goals window from the subsidies to the league menu.
r25303 | translators | 2013-05-29 19:45:26 +0200 (Wed, 29 May 2013) | 6 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
korean - 5 changes by telk5093
gaelic - 9 changes by GunChleoc
swedish - 4 changes by Joel_A
turkish - 40 changes by niw3

r25302 | frosch | 2013-05-29 19:13:53 +0200 (Wed, 29 May 2013) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#5565]: Build railway fences next to objects, even if they are owned by the same company.
r25301 | frosch | 2013-05-28 22:10:41 +0200 (Tue, 28 May 2013) | 1 line

-Change: Slightly enlarge the default-windowsize button icon.
r25300 | translators | 2013-05-28 19:45:28 +0200 (Tue, 28 May 2013) | 7 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
italian - 3 changes by lorenzodv
portuguese - 8 changes by hthief
russian - 1 changes by Lone_Wolf
gaelic - 8 changes by GunChleoc
vietnamese - 7 changes by nglekhoi

r25299 | zuu | 2013-05-27 23:59:11 +0200 (Mon, 27 May 2013) | 1 line

-Feature: Allow more concurrent goals in a game
r25298 | translators | 2013-05-27 19:45:55 +0200 (Mon, 27 May 2013) | 12 lines

-Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
dutch - 4 changes by habell
english_AU - 3 changes by mrtux
english_US - 4 changes by Rubidium
finnish - 4 changes by jpx_
german - 3 changes by planetmaker
italian - 1 changes by lorenzodv
polish - 4 changes by nouwak
russian - 3 changes by Lone_Wolf
gaelic - 3 changes by GunChleoc
spanish - 4 changes by Terkhen

r25297 | frosch | 2013-05-26 22:17:07 +0200 (Sun, 26 May 2013) | 1 line

-Fix (r25291): 32bit compilation.